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Thomas Cardinal Collins releases statement concerning Christians in Iraq.

On August 7th, 2014, His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, release the following statement concerning the persecution of Christians and minority groups in Iraq. Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto re: Iraqi Christians August 7, 2014 Far away from the comfort of our television screens, tablets and newspapers, a tragedy continues […]

CARDINAL THOMAS COLLINS: Canada can do more to help Christians under siege in Iraq

Cardinal Thomas Collins is Archbishop of Toronto.    Far away from the comfort of our television screens, tablets and newspapers, a tragedy continues to unfold in Iraq. Islamist extremists, intent on eliminating any trace of Christianity, have cast out tens of thousands of Christians, a people with an almost 2,000-year history in the region. Seven […]

Pope: Unprecedented Religious Persecution Can’t Go On

Pope Francis says it is incomprehensible and troubling that people continue to suffer discrimination, restriction of their rights and, even, persecution for professing their faith. This morning, the Holy Father ushered in the first day of a two-day international congress in Rome, titled “Religious Freedom According to International Law and Global Conflict of Values,” organized […]

Pope: the Church is not a rental house, but a home

Pope Francis focused his daily homily on Jesus’ prayer for the unity of his disciples, cautioning that there are many in the Church who call themselves Catholic, but are only half committed. There are some groups that “rent the Church, but do not claim it as their home,” the Pope observed during his June 5 […]

Pedophilia is like a sacrilege for Pope Francis

At a briefing in the Vatican on Tuesday, Father Lombardi discussed some of the highlights of Pope Francis’ interview with journalists on the papal plane returning from the Holy Land.   During his remarks the Pope had said a member of the clergy who sexually abuses children is comparable to somebody carrying out a satanic […]

Pope to Israeli President Peres: May Jerusalem be the City of Peace

Pope Francis paid a visit to Israeli President Shimon Peres on the last day of his three day pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  In an encounter with the press ahead of a private meeting, Mr. Peres told the Holy Father peace requires “creativity and inspiration” and observed that Pope Francis possessed both.  For his part, […]

Roots of the Culture of Death

  In Chapter 11 of Evangelium Vitae, Saint John Paul II refers to abortion and euthanasia as attacks made against human life at the time of its greatest frailty. He calls our attention to the fact that these attacks are no longer regarded as “crimes,” but as “rights”. They are carried out by health-care personnel […]
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