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“I had never known love like this”

When I left I was basically unaware of what the Shalom Community and the Acamps truly were, but when I arrived at the centre of evangelisation HungaRio, in Budapest, I straight away felt right at home, I was welcomed with great smiles from the missionaries. What made me leave was the desire to once again […]
Shalom Catholic Community assumes ‘San Lorenzo’ International Youth Centre in Rome

Shalom Catholic Community assumes the responsibilities of the ‘San Lorenzo’ International Youth Centre in Rome

On the 13th of March of 1983, St. John Paul presented the young people of the world with a gift. He inaugurated the ‘San Lorenzo’ International Youth Centre, a few feet away from St. Peter’s Square, in Vatican: a welcoming place for pilgrimages, encounters, prayer and evangelisation for all the young people who come to the Eternal city.

A missionary family story

The testimony of a great family who left the capital of Brazil for a great adventure on the city-island of Vitoria, Southeast of Brazil.

The second anniversary of Shalom Catholic Community in Boston

      On June 3rd, Shalom Catholic Community is going to celebrate a Massat St. Anthony’s Church in honor of its 2nd anniversary of foundation in Boston,  the acceptance of Danielle LaPointe and Matthew Pandolfo as postulants in Shalom Covenant Community and the renewal of the Higor and Mariana Fontoura’s Temporary Promises also as Shalom […]

Mission Aix en Provence, a Café to Evangelize!

“Share the great deeds of God in our lives and especially in this mission, is aconcrete way of praise and recognise His love that has led us to here!” Founded on 15 th September 2014, the mission of Aix­en­Provence, France, has the main objective the evangelization of the youth, as this city is marked by the presence […]
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