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Pope: Unprecedented Religious Persecution Can’t Go On

Pope Francis says it is incomprehensible and troubling that people continue to suffer discrimination, restriction of their rights and, even, persecution for professing their faith. This morning, the Holy Father ushered in the first day of a two-day international congress in Rome, titled “Religious Freedom According to International Law and Global Conflict of Values,” organized […]

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is also known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which translates from Latin to “Body of Christ.” This feast originated in France in the midthirteenth century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. This feast is celebrated on […]

Forgive One Another … But How?

What was she to do? Brenda’s husband of three years abandoned her two years ago and today she received the divorce notice. “I don’t want to hate him for the rest of my life,” she said of Nathan. “I want to forgive him, but I don’t know how.” Brenda is typical of most of us […]

Justice and Mercy in Church Marriage Law

  In the run up to the October Synod of Bishops on marriage and the family, experts in Church marriage law came together in Rome this week to discuss the theme ‘Pastoral Marriage: Justice and Mercy, Antidotes Against ‘Laxism’ and ‘Rigorism’”. The study day at the University of the Holy Cross on May 22 aimed […]

TRUCK DYNASTY: The First Deacon in the World of Monster Trucks

Crowds of people fill the stands, many sporting sunglasses and baseball caps and t-shirts with patriotic slogans. The sun beats down, the beer flows, and the cheers go up when the next “extreme diesel” pickup truck, souped-up so much that you’d probably need a ladder to get into the cab, enters the dirt field. If […]

Pope sends his blessings to participants of the Asian Conference on the Family

Pope Francis has praised Philippine Bishops for holding the “Asian Conference on the Family” currently underway in Manila. The conference, which runs until 16 May, gathers thousands of religious, educators, lay faithful, and politicians all over Asia to tackle the present-day situation of the human family. In a message signed by Vatican Secretary of State, […]

The Tau in Shalom Vocation

Meaning The TAU has a shape of the greek letter (T) that is a cross. St. Francis borrowed the Tau and what it meant to him from the Antonians. They were a religious community of men founded in 1095 whose sole function was to care for lepers. The Tau is the habit of the Secular […]
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