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Pope meets Italy’s National Olympic Committee

“Sports are at home in the Church” – that’s what Pope Francis told managers and athletes of Italy’s National Olympic Committee Friday.  In a meeting in the Vatican, the Pope congratulated them on Rome’s candidacy as a possible venue for the 2024 Olympics, but quipped; “I won’t be here!” He observed that Italy’s National Olympic […]

Happy Birthday, Pope Francis!

There was a festive atmosphere at the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, as Pope Francis celebrated his 78th birthday. As he made his way through the crowds, Pope Francis stopped by a group of seminarians from the Legion of Christ, who offered him a birthday cake, complete with lighted candles. The Holy Father also took […]

Emmir Nogueira of Shalom visits Sophia

Exchange of gifts during the “culture of encounter” “It’s a joy to be at Sophia today and to testify also through this short visit, to the deep unity which links the Shalom Community and the Focolari Movement. Chiara Lubich is a reference point for us.  Hearing about your experiences gives me the impression of seeing here the […]

More than 50 priests participate of a retreat promoted by Shalom

More than 50 priests participate of the Annual Retreat for Priests, promoted by Catholic Community Shalom at Fortaleza. The 3rd edition of the retreat, that started this Monday (01), has overcome the other years in number of inscriptions, and has participants from many dioceses of Brazil, from Latin America and from the Holy Land. The […]

Pope: God lives in big cities. We must be there with Him.

Pope Francis has urged bishops and pastoral care workers to take up the challenge of bringing the Gospel into big cities with a profound change of attitude and renewed committment. In a message to participants of the International Pastoral Congress on the World’s Big Cities, held in Barcelona this week, the Pope issued an encouragement […]

Pope Francis: Marriage and the family are in crisis

(Vatican Radio) On Monday, Pope Francis addressed a Colloquium being held on the theme “The Complementarity of Man and Woman in Marriage.” The Holy Father began his address by dwelling on the word “complementarity”: “a precious word, with multiple meanings.” Although complementarity can refer “situations where one of two things adds to, completes, or fulfills […]

Moyses Azevedo: “I wanted to freely give what I have freely received”

Moyses Louro de Azevedo Filho, 55 years old, was born in Fortaleza, Brazil, on the 4th of November. He is the founder and general moderator of Shalom Catholic Community, established in 1982. The community is spread all over Brazil and 15 other countries. His parents always wanted to have a boy but instead they had […]

Holy Father’s Angelus address for the Solemnity of All Saints and the Faithful Departed: today we are called to remember those who no one remembers

  Below a Vatican Radio translation of the Holy Father’s Angelus address: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good day! Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints, and today the liturgy invites us to commemorate the faithful departed. These two occurrences are intimately linked to each other, just as joy and tears find a synthesis in […]
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