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Holy Father’s Angelus address for the Solemnity of All Saints and the Faithful Departed: today we are called to remember those who no one remembers

  Below a Vatican Radio translation of the Holy Father’s Angelus address: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good day! Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints, and today the liturgy invites us to commemorate the faithful departed. These two occurrences are intimately linked to each other, just as joy and tears find a synthesis in […]

Prayer, Purgatory and All Souls’ Day

When I was a Protestant, there were things I thought I knew about the Catholic Church, things I knew I didn’t know about the Catholic Church, but didn’t want to learn, and then a box marked, “Everything Else”. During my conversion process, that “Everything Else” box grew bigger and bigger as I slowly acquainted myself with this strange new religion […]

Shalom Community’s song recorded in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian singer Juan Pablo Alvarado and the Dominican Celinés Díaz recorded “Como fuego abrasador”, Spanish version of the song “Como fogo abrasador” (in English, “As a blazing fire”), written by Nicodemos Costa and interpreted by Ana Gabriela, both missionary members of Shalom Catholic Community. The song is in the album “Cinco Más” and its […]

Pope Francis: the mother Church embraces persecuted Iraqis

At the General Audience Wednesday, Pope Francis told Arabic speaking pilgrims and “particularly those from Iraq,” that “like all mothers,” the Church accompanies her needy children.  She “raises up the fallen child, heals his wounds, seeks the lost… and defends those who are defenseless and persecuted.”  The Pope assured “especially these last of you, the […]

Thomas Cardinal Collins releases statement concerning Christians in Iraq.

On August 7th, 2014, His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, release the following statement concerning the persecution of Christians and minority groups in Iraq. Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto re: Iraqi Christians August 7, 2014 Far away from the comfort of our television screens, tablets and newspapers, a tragedy continues […]

Rescued By Love

By: Daiana Barboza There is this new song by Sia, which is called “Swing from the Chandelier” and up until this moment I did not bother to pay attention to the lyrics. So I took the time and looked them up to understand the song better. The song brought back so many memories from a […]
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