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Shalom Convention 35years at the great Basilica of St John Lateran Rome 2017

#ShalomConvention35years is a world meeting of Shalom Catholic Community to celebrate its anniversary and will be held from September 3rd to 9th, 2017. It will be a pilgrimage which offers the opportunity to visit historical basilicas and holy places in Rome and Assisi. The program includes talks, prayers, cultural exchange, performing arts, catechesis with Shalom […]

New Evangelization to care for shrines

Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter motu proprio on Saturday, in which he transfers general responsibility for the creation, discipline and administration of Catholic shrines and sanctuaries throughout the world, to the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. The new arrangement leaves in place the special laws granting other authorities specific competence […]

Halleluya Festival: the celebration of mercy in the land of Mercy

Halleluya Festival is known as the biggest integrated arts festival in Brazil, leading young people to have an experience with God through arts, sports, courses and Eucharistic celebrations. But one of the main places in the event is the area dedicated to the Sacrament of Reconciliation held in the so-called “Mercy Area”. In Fortaleza city, Brazil, […]

Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross

A house with open doors where many will come and from where many will leave, having experienced God’s mercy which can transform lives. This is the Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross that is being built at Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters in Aquiraz, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza city, Brazil. Sand and metal so far. […]

Moyses Azevedo: “I wanted to freely give what I have freely received”

Moyses Louro de Azevedo Filho, 55 years old, was born in Fortaleza, Brazil, on the 4th of November. He is the founder and general moderator of Shalom Catholic Community, established in 1982. The community is spread all over Brazil and 15 other countries. His parents always wanted to have a boy but instead they had […]

Roots of the Culture of Death

  In Chapter 11 of Evangelium Vitae, Saint John Paul II refers to abortion and euthanasia as attacks made against human life at the time of its greatest frailty. He calls our attention to the fact that these attacks are no longer regarded as “crimes,” but as “rights”. They are carried out by health-care personnel […]

Pope’s Ash Wednesday Homily

“Why do we have to return to God? Because there are things that are not well in us, in society, in the Church and we are in need of changing, of turning, of being converted!” Here is a translation of the Pope’s homily from the celebration of the Eucharist today in the Basilica of Saint […]

Hemoce realiza coleta de sangue no Renascer

Há 11 anos, o Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Ceará (Hemoce) mantém parceria com a Comunidade Católica Shalom, disponibilizando anualmente posto de coleta durante o evento Renascer, que acontece no Ginásio Paulo Sarasate durante o carnaval. Clique aqui e confira as cidades que realizarão o Renascer/Reviver. A unidade móvel, nos dias 2, 3 e […]

Prayer is efective.

Friday it seamed that an American strike on Syria was a matter of time and with or without approval from the congress Mr. Obama was going to do it. Than Prayer happened. Millions of catholics and people of good will, from all over the world gathered upon Pope Francis’ call to pray for peace. After […]
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