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Shalom promoted a retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre

From March 6 to 8, Shalom Catholic Community promoted an opened retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre. Under the theme “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted! (Matthew 5:4) the community invited Portuguese speaking living in the Great Toronto Area to enjoy a different weekend where they could pray and learn more about […]

Pope Francis, to receive pardon, we must give pardon

Focusing primarily on the reading from the Gospel according to St Matthew (18:21-35), in which the Lord counsels His disciples to forgive “seventy times seven” times, i.e. always and without stint, the Holy Father addressed the close connection between God’s forgiveness of our sins and our forgiveness of others. Drawing on the Old Testament reading […]

Seven days of non-stop adoration for YOU

  Shalom Catholic Community invites you to the closing ceremony of Jericho Siege, which will take place   on February 25th, this Wednesday, at Shalom´s house, 7 pm. The mass, open to the public, will be        celebrated in Portuguese by Father Faustino.   Jericho Siege is an event where the Holy Sacrament is […]

Pope: “Int’l community must take concrete steps for peace

Pope Francis has called on the international community to take concrete steps to bring about peace and to protect all those who are victims of war and persecution. In  a wide-ranging discourse to members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, the Pope focused on a series of urgent issues which – he said […]

Pope Francis to visit Pompeii, Naples in March

Pope Francis will make a pastoral visit to Naples in the southern Italian region of Campania in March 2015.  The Archbishop and pontifical delegate to the Virgin of the Rosary sanctuary in Pompeii, Tommaso Caputo says the Pope will begin his journey with a visit to the Marian shrine on March 21st. The Pope’s apostolic […]

Pope meets Italy’s National Olympic Committee

“Sports are at home in the Church” – that’s what Pope Francis told managers and athletes of Italy’s National Olympic Committee Friday.  In a meeting in the Vatican, the Pope congratulated them on Rome’s candidacy as a possible venue for the 2024 Olympics, but quipped; “I won’t be here!” He observed that Italy’s National Olympic […]

“I will teach my child only one thing: love”

In 1995, during the war in the former Yugoslavia, Sister Lucy Vertrusc and two other religious sisters were raped by Serbian soldiers. As a consequence, she found out later that she was pregnant. An Italian newspaper published years later a heartfelt letter that Sr Vertrusc wrote to her mother superior with an amazing witness of a spousal-love […]

Emmir Nogueira of Shalom visits Sophia

Exchange of gifts during the “culture of encounter” “It’s a joy to be at Sophia today and to testify also through this short visit, to the deep unity which links the Shalom Community and the Focolari Movement. Chiara Lubich is a reference point for us.  Hearing about your experiences gives me the impression of seeing here the […]
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