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A different carnival: Reborn and Rebirth starts in Brazil

The carnival retreats Reborn and Rebirth (in Portuguese, “Renascer” and “Reviver”, respectively) has begun this morning in over 80 cities in Brazil. The event, organized by Shalom Catholic Community, promises “A Whole New Life” to its participants, in three days of praise and worship, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, talks, courses and celebration of the […]

Shalom has four new Priests

Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community have been ordained priests on December 22 by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. They are Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of the Shalom Community. Their first Mass has been celebrated on the […]

Shalom missionary in London to have first consecration in Celibacy

For the first time the Shalom Community in London will held a consecration in Celibacy for the Kingdom of Heaven of one of its missionary members. It is a special time of graces for the Mission.  Inspired by the diversity and unity within the Holy trinity, the Shalom Catholic Coomunity, established in 1982, is formed by all three ways […]

Shalom will have four new Priests

Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community will be ordained priest on the 22nd of December by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil. They are: Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of Shalom Community. Their first Mass is to be celebrated […]


The Shalom Catholic Community was founded on 9th July 1982, after that its founder, Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho, had offered his life and youth to take Christ and the Catholic Church to those who were distant, specially, the youth. On 30th June 1980, Pope John Paul II arrived in Brazil for his first visit […]

Pope: we can’t be book-keepers of God’s love

Pope Francis on Thursday said that God is like a mother, He loves us unconditionally, but too often we want to take control of this grace in a kind of a spiritual book-keeping. The Pope was speaking during his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from the prophet Isaiah, […]
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