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Guayaquil Youth are getting ready for WYD

The Catholic Community Shalom in Guayaquil, Ecuador, held in February the first “llega pronto JMJ”, which is an encounter preparing all young people who go to the World Youth Day with Shalom Community this year in 2016 in Krakow, Poland. About 30 young people participating in the Shalom prayer groups and the Youth Ministry of the Archdiocese are part […]

Home Hospital

The Home Hospital As part of the spiritual preparations for WYD, in response to the call of Pope Francis – create a “Home Hospital”! The Idea The initiative came from students gathered in Krakow’s student chaplaincies. Observing with anxiety the changes that took place in the last years in the life of the city – […]


#PrayForMercy     “How I wish that we could join together in a chorus of prayer, from the depths of our hearts, to implore the Lord to have mercy on us and on the whole world!” We want to answer this call of Pope Francis, explained in the Message for the XXXI World Youth Day, […]

Pope marks World Youth Day in Angelus address

At the conclusion of the Solemn Mass for Palm Sunday, Pope Francis led the faithful in the recitation of the Angelus. In brief remarks ahead of the Marian prayer, the Holy Father greeted all those taking part in the ceremony, including those watching and listening by means of television, radio, or other means of communication. […]

First Definitive Promises of a Shalom’ missionary in St John Paul II’s homeland.

This is the first time a missionary of Shalom Community makes Definitive Promises in Poland, the country of St John Paul II whose blessing played a fundamental role in the establishment of the Community in 1980. Jose Carlos Pasternak, missionary of Shalom Catholic Community and a WYD 2016’ volunteer, has made his Definitive Promises in […]

Young people united for peace and on the way to the Beatitudes

“My dear young ones, be in the front line in this arduous task of building peace in the world”, said Cardinal Rylko to the young people attending the Shalom Youth Congress (SYC or CJS, read more Here). Encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the Church, nearly 300 young people […]

A missionary season!

“Each Christian and every community must discern the path the Lord points out, but all of us are asked to obey his call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the ‘peripheries’ in need of the light of the Gospel.” (Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis) Lent is a special time […]
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