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“Chez Moi”: Make yourself at home in Paris

Shalom Catholic Community opens a snack bar in Paris. Maybe you've heard this story before, "A snack bar for evangelization". In this way Shalom Catholic Community was born in 1982 in Brazil. The first Shalom Catholic Evangelization Centre opened as a coffee house in order to announce God’s love to the people who come to have a meal, but could find also joy, help and comfort.

My missionary Life in Cape Verde

It was the 8 th October 2008, the first time I heard His Voice calling me : only after much fighting, resisting, and trying to run away, I surrendered and heeded His call. I started a great adventure to follow Christ wherever He would go, with courage, renunciation, and disposition, to announce Him to the […]

Training meeting for worldwide missionaries comes to an end.

AQUIRAZ, Brazil – Representatives of Shalom Catholic Community from 34 countries gathered at Diaconia (Shalom’s headquarters) for a training meeting organized by the Apostolic and Missionary Advisories in the Community. Once a year, missionaries from different countries are able to come together to prayer, to listen to important updates and guidelines, and to receive formation […]

Did you ever hear the Song of Irias?

“There is an inner life inside each man no matter how much we alienate ourselves of it, it continues there, inside us, alive. As much as we want to destroy it, we can not. It is bigger and more real than everything we see. It always yell what is real inside of us, whether we want or not to […]
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