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Pope Francis: to love your enemies, prayer is a game-changer

The path to holiness and sainthood, Pope Francis said, requires imitating Christ by loving our enemies and praying for those who wrong us even when it is difficult. “It’s true, God the Father is merciful,” he said. “And you? Are you merciful, are you merciful with the people who have hurt you? Or who do […]

Pope: Resentment is not Christian

Brotherhood is destroyed by small things Reflecting on the first reading of the day which speaks of Cain and Abel, Pope Francis said that in this reading from Genesis, for the first time in Bible we hear the word ‘brother’ and we listen to a “story of brotherhood that should grow and be beautiful, but […]

Cardinal Rylko, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, is the new archpriest of the basilica of saint Mary Major

Cardinal Rylko had led the Pontifical Council for the Laity from 2003 until it ceased to exist on September 2016. Pope Francis named the Polish Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko  to the post of archpriest of the basilica of saint Mary Major on last December. Shalom Community missionaries from the missions of Rome and Civita Castellana and many […]

Iceland knows the secret to stopping teen substance abuse

In the past 20 years, teen alcohol and drug abuse plummeted among Icelandic youth… but why? In the past 20 years, Iceland’s rates of teen drinking, smoking, and drug use rates have drastically plummeted. Mosaic Science reports that in 1998, the percentage of 14- to 16-year-olds who reported being drunk in the previous month was 42 percent […]

Through Christ, God was reconciling the world

Every year Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII) promotes Christian Unity by gathering Christians from many groups that are willing to engage in an interreligious dialogue. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2017 took place from January 18th to the 25th, and the theme was “Reconciliation – The Love of Christ Compels Us” […]

My missionary Life in Cape Verde

It was the 8 th October 2008, the first time I heard His Voice calling me : only after much fighting, resisting, and trying to run away, I surrendered and heeded His call. I started a great adventure to follow Christ wherever He would go, with courage, renunciation, and disposition, to announce Him to the […]

Pope Francis: ‘never lose faith in God’s providential care’

Resuming his ongoing catechesis on Christian hope Pope Francis recalled the courageous figure of Judith, and of how, during the siege of the city of Bethulia by the Assyrian general Holofernes, she urged the despairing population to reinforce its wavering hope in the Lord and ended up proposing a plan that led to victory over […]
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