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“Children are never a mistake “

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience on Wednesday, during which he continued his catechetical series on the family, concluding his reflections on the role of children in family life. Below, please find the English summary of the Holy Father’s prepared remarks. *********************************** Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we continue our reflection on […]

Reflexion about Good Friday

In Good Friday’s afternoon the great drama of Christ’s death in the Calvary is presented. The raised cross upon the world keeps itself stood as a sign of salvation and hope. By the Passion of Jesus according to the Gospel of John and also by the heart of the Beloved disciple, of the Mother, and […]

Pope Francis’ Letter on the Fifth Centenary of Saint Teresa of Avila’s Birth

[St. Teresa] asks us to be perseverant, faithful even in the midst of aridity, personal difficulties or the pressing needs that call us. Here is the translation of Pope Francis’ letter to Fr. Saverio Cannistra, Superior General of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, on the occasion of the fifth centenary celebration of St. Teresa of […]

Pope at Santa Marta: Faith, not cold doctrine, brings joy

It is not “cold doctrine” that brings joy, but faith, and the hope of meeting Jesus.  He who cannot rejoice is an unhappy believer: that’s what Pope Francis said in his homily at Thursday morning’s Mass in Santa Marta in the Vatican: Abraham’s joy upon hearing that as God promised, he may become a father […]

Holy Week Retreat 2015

For the third consecutive year Shalom Catholic Community organises a retreat during Holy Week to help people to pray and deepen their understanding on the mysteries of Our Lord Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. As Christians, we know how important this season is to our faith and lives. It is in fact THE most important […]

Shalom participates in ACN’s Conference

The Shalom Catholic Community has recently participated in a conference hosted by the pontifical foundation Aid the Church in Need (ACN). The event was held from March 12-15th in Wurzburg, Germany, and it occurs every four years. This event has a target public audience of many German benefactors of the ACN institution. The theme of […]

Divine Mercy Feast in London

Shalom Catholic Community invites you to celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Monica Catholic Church in Hoxton, London. It will be held on April 12th, 2015,  starting at 3pm and ending at 7pm with Holy Mass. It will be an afternoon of prayer, Adoration, prayer of the Divine Mercy chaplet, confession, Holy Eucharist, veneration of […]

Follow us on ‪#‎lenteveryday‬

Our small sacrifice of today on our ‪#‎lenteveryday‬ challenge is to start the novena to Saint Joseph. It can be said by anytime of the year, specially around his feast, which is today. His intercession is known as a powerful instrument of God’s providence. Follows the link to the novena: ‪#‎saintjosephprovideforus‬ ‪#‎comshalom‬ ‪#‎instashalom‬ ‪#‎toronto‬‪#‎shalomtoronto‬ ‪#‎catholicchurch‬ […]
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