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Pope: a society can be judged by the way it treats its children

Pope Francis today turned his thoughts to the countless children across the world who live in poverty and need. Addressing the crowds in St. Peter’s Square gathered for the weekly General Audience, the Pope continued in his catechesis on the family, focusing this time on children. Pope Francis said that children are a great gift […]

St Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer

St. Patrick’s Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most beloved patron saints. According to tradition, St Patrick wrote it in 433 A.D. for divine protection before successfully converting the Irish King Leoghaire and his subjects from paganism to Christianity. (The term breastplate refers to a piece of armor worn in battle). More […]

Pope: “make space for God’s love so He can change you”

Pope Francis says we are loved by God in a way that no theologian can explain. He was speaking during morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from the first reading from the prophet Isaiah in which the Lord says He is “about to create new heavens and a new earth”, Pope […]

Shalom promoted a retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre

From March 6 to 8, Shalom Catholic Community promoted an opened retreat at Consolata Missionary Centre. Under the theme “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted! (Matthew 5:4) the community invited Portuguese speaking living in the Great Toronto Area to enjoy a different weekend where they could pray and learn more about […]

What Job Can Teach us About Fatherhood

When we think of Job, we think of suffering. And it is true—Job suffered far more than any of us can imagine. Despite the fact that he was completely innocent, he endured intense physical pain, lack of sleep, hunger, the loss of his enormous wealth, the death of all of his children, and the insults […]

Pope Francis: homily with announcement of Year of Mercy

Pope Francis presided over a penance service in St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday afternoon, during which he announced an extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy. Below, please find Vatican Radio’s English translation of the Holy Father’s homily, in which he made the announcement. ******** This year as last, as we head into of the Fourth […]

New book on the Ordained Ministry

Saint Colman’s Society for Catholic Liturgy hosted in July 2014 the VII FOTA International Liturgy Conference in Cork, Ireland. The main theme was “In Persona Christi Agens: Aspects of the Ordained Ministry” where aspects of the ordained priestly ministry and sacred liturgy where addressed. A new book has just been release as a result of […]

Pope Francis to confessors: be authentically merciful

Pope Francis on Thursday received a group of priests and bishops participating in a special formation initiative of the Apostolic Penitentiary on the internal forum. The Apostolic Penitentiary is the Church tribunal that deals primarily with issues that arise in and around the Sacrament of Confession, as well as the lifting of excommunications reserved to […]

The courage to disappear

I know a woman who voluntarily disappeared. No! It’s not one of those thousands of names on a “missing person” police list. On the contrary! She disappeared so much that wasn’t reported in any list, not even in her own family genealogy. She knew that in order to disappear in such a way that she […]
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