
Pope Francis outlines five actions of Jesus’ proclamation on the Sunday of the Word of God

The Pontiff reinforces the mission of Jesus and invites the faithful to live the Word of


On Sunday, January 26, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Vatican for the third Sunday in Ordinary Time, designated as the Sunday of the Word of God. The Eucharistic celebration also marked the conclusion of the Jubilee for the World of Communications, the first thematic event of the Holy Year in the Church, which began on Friday (24).

On this occasion, 40 people from different parts of the world received the ministry of lector, a service dedicated to proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word, assisting the liturgical assembly.

During his homily, Pope Francis invited all the faithful to deepen their relationship with the Word of God and allow themselves to be set on fire by the Holy Spirit that descends upon each person who reads the Sacred Scriptures. He also highlighted five actions from the proclamation of Jesus:

1 – Bringing the Good News to the Poor

“Here is the ‘gospel,’ the good news that Jesus proclaims: the Kingdom of God is near! When God reigns, humanity is saved. The Lord comes to visit His people, caring for the humble and the needy. This gospel is a word of compassion, calling us to charity, to forgive the debts of others, and to a generous social commitment.”

2 – Proclaiming Freedom to the Prisoners

“Evil has its days numbered because the future belongs to God. With the power of the Spirit, Jesus redeems us from all guilt and frees our hearts from any inner chains, bringing the forgiveness of the Father to the world. This gospel is a word of mercy, calling us to become passionate witnesses of peace, solidarity, and reconciliation.”

3 – Giving Sight to the Blind

“The Messiah opens the eyes of our hearts, often blinded by the allure of power and vanity: ailments of the soul that prevent us from recognizing the presence of God and make the weak and the suffering invisible. This gospel is a word of light, calling us to truth, to the testimony of faith, and to a coherent life.”

4 – Freeing the Oppressed

“No slavery resists the work of the Messiah, who makes us brothers in His name. The prisons of persecution and death are opened by the loving power of God. This gospel is a word of freedom, calling us to the conversion of the heart, honesty of thought, and perseverance in trials.”

5 – Proclaiming the Year of the Lord’s Favor

“This is a new time, one that does not consume life but regenerates it. It is a Jubilee, like the one we have begun, preparing ourselves with hope for the final encounter with the Redeemer. This gospel is a word of joy, calling us to hospitality, communion, and the journey, as pilgrims, toward the Kingdom of God.”

Jubilee for the World of Communications

The Jubilee for the World of Communications began on Friday (24) with a penitential celebration and Holy Mass at the Basilica of St. John Lateran. The event brought together over 6,000 journalists and communication professionals from more than 130 countries. It included an audience with the Holy Father on Saturday (25) and various study groups, lectures, and roundtable discussions in the afternoon. The Shalom Community was also present, represented by some of its members on this occasion.


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