
“Let our lives be conquered and transformed by the Resurrection,”

Christ is risen! There is no more death!

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis recited the Regina Coeli on Easter Monday, leading the pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square in a rousing chant of “Christ is risen!”

“In Him, through our Baptism, we are risen, we have passed from death to life, from the slavery of sin to the freedom of love,” said the Pope.

“This is the Good News that we are called to carry to others in every environment, animated by the Holy Spirit,” he said.

“Faith in the resurrection of Jesus and the hope He has brought to us is the most beautiful gift that a Christian can and must offer his brothers and sisters,” continued Pope Francis.

“To one and all, therefore, do not tire of repeating: Christ is risen,” he urged the crowd, inviting them to repeat the phrase with him three times in the Square.

Pope Francis said the Good News of the Resurrection should “shine on our face, in our feelings and in our behaviour, in the way in which we treat others.”

“We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence, and we are able share it with others; when we know when to smile with those who smile, and weep with those who weep; when we accompany those who are sad and at risk of losing hope; when we recount our experience of Faith to those who are searching for meaning and happiness,” Pope Francis said. “And there – with our attitude, with our witness, with our life – we say ‘Jesus is Risen,’ with our soul.”

The Pope made mention of the “curious” truth that the Liturgy treats the entire Octave – eight days – of Easter as one day, to “help us enter into the mystery” of the feast.

“Let our lives be conquered and transformed by the Resurrection,” he said.

(from Vatican Radio)


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