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Pope Francis to young people around the world: “Christ lives and loves you infinitely”

25 March marks the 5th anniversary of the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation “Christus vivit”, a message of hope and faith from the Holy Father that resonates in the hearts of Shalom youth. Message of Pope Francis Dear young people, Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive! This certainty always makes my […]
O que é uma vida carismática?

What is a charismatic life?

More than belonging to a movement, being charismatic consists in exercising the charisms in their fullness, without the Spirit of division or boasting. They must be used to build up the Church of Christ, so that all peoples may know the Truth and turn entirely to the Lord.

Christus vivit, I chose to be consecrated

One year after the Synod on young people, Catholic youth from around the world engage with "Christus vivit", Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation. "It's a huge call before a small, grateful response". This is how Barbara, missionary of the Shalom Catholic Community, describes her own vocation: not one of a woman religious, but of a young lay missionary who chose to bear witness to God by giving herself to Him. The Pope writes: Jesus always casts out the nets.
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