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Community Shalom at the III Congress of Ecclesial Communities and New Movements

This November 20th, at Rome, began the III Congress of Ecclesial Communities and New Movements, organized by the Pontifical Council for Laity, with the theme ‘’ The Joy of the Gospel:  a missionary joy.’’ Cardinals, bishops, founders and representatives of more than 100 movements and communities, coming from 40 different countries of the 5 continents, […]

Pope: God lives in big cities. We must be there with Him.

Pope Francis has urged bishops and pastoral care workers to take up the challenge of bringing the Gospel into big cities with a profound change of attitude and renewed committment. In a message to participants of the International Pastoral Congress on the World’s Big Cities, held in Barcelona this week, the Pope issued an encouragement […]

Pope Francis: Marriage and the family are in crisis

(Vatican Radio) On Monday, Pope Francis addressed a Colloquium being held on the theme “The Complementarity of Man and Woman in Marriage.” The Holy Father began his address by dwelling on the word “complementarity”: “a precious word, with multiple meanings.” Although complementarity can refer “situations where one of two things adds to, completes, or fulfills […]

34 graduate from Instituo de Formacion de Laicos

he Spanish-language lay formation program of the Archdiocese of Boston, the Instituto de Formacion de Laicos, graduated 34 laypeople representing 13 parishes from their formation certificate program, May 14, at Immaculate Conception Parish in Everett. Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley celebrated the graduation Mass with 13 priests, including the director of the Hispanic Apostolate Father Francisco […]

The Church Can Help Build a Better Europe

The campaign for the European elections opens on May 12. The elections will take place from May 22 to 25 in the 28 member states of the European Union (May 25 in France). More than 500 million Europeans will choose their 751 representatives (74 for France) in the European Parliament for the next five years. […]

Pope’s Ash Wednesday Homily

“Why do we have to return to God? Because there are things that are not well in us, in society, in the Church and we are in need of changing, of turning, of being converted!” Here is a translation of the Pope’s homily from the celebration of the Eucharist today in the Basilica of Saint […]
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