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Being Shalom Work

The Shalom Work is beautiful! It's an invaluable and even incalculable part. They are people, parts, that surprise when they emerge from the most unusual places, seeking more information about the whole by which it was captivated.

We Africans

In an interview with comshalom (SH), Leonice Santos, a Brazilian missionary in Maputo, Mozambique, tells us a bit about her experience in a land that seeks to rebuild after a devastating cyclone.
Jornalism of peace to the world

Jornalism of peace to the world

Fifty years ago Pope Paul VI established the  World Communications Day as an annual celebration. Since then on the Sunday before Pentecost the Church marks the day to reflect on the opportunities and challenges of social communication (the press, motions pictures, radio, television and the internet) as a good place where gospel values can be promoted.

Fr. Antonio Furtado, Shalom Life missionary visits the house of the Community in Nazareth

On February the missionaries of Shalom Life and Covenant Community who live in Nazareth, Israel received a special guest, fr. Antonio Furtado. He’s been missionary in Fortaleza, Brazil for more than 15 years as priest and he is a great communicator of God’s mercy by the AM Radio 690 where he daily prays the Chaplet of […]

Pope Francis at audience: our faith an anchor in heaven

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, during which he continued his catechetical reflections on the theme of Christian hope, focusing specifically on the final words of comfort and consolation the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew records Our Lord speaking to the  disciples immediately before ascending […]

Jesus is risen! He is truly risen!

“Jesus is risen!” – “He is truly risen, as he said!” Those were Pope Francis’ words as he delivered his traditional Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) message from the central loggia of St Peter’s Basilica on a sunny Easter Sunday. The Pope said that “by his resurrection, Jesus Christ has set […]
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