When Dory makes me think of God

Well, now I’ll explain everything The most famous fish film is back: Finding Dory was – without doubt – one of the most expected films by children (and adults). In Finding Nemo Dory helped the fish Marlin to find his son Nemo, captured by divers. This time it’s Dory looking for her family. But today […]

7 Edith Stein quotes every woman should read

Edith Stein was always an over-achiever. Born in Germany in 1891, and eventually known by her religious name, St. Teresa Benedicta, Stein could have been expected to lead a quiet life out of the public eye — since women at the time were offered a significantly smaller number of roles to play in society than men. […]

What Is Holy Week?

                                                                                                                                                                                    Holy Week is the week preceding Easter and the final week of Lent. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. Holy Week includes Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday) and Good Friday, which, together with Holy Saturday, are known as the Triduum. Before the […]

The 2 things you should do before Lent is over

More kindness Being kind, Fr. Martin says, looks simple, but is surprisingly difficult. It’s something we should all try to practice every day, but focus on especially during Lent. Here are the three components that Fr. Martin says he uses to put kindness into practice in his everyday life: 1. “Don’t be a jerk,” Fr. Martin says. “That […]

What is the Purpose of Lent?

Every year it is the same thing: Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a new season in the Catholic Church. The Calendar of Catholic events doesn’t change. We are different persons, though. The Lenten season changes everything and strengthens the appeal of the Church in our present moment. It’s because we are different individuals that […]