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Archbishop of Toronto is appointed as a member of the Comission of Cardinals for the oversight of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR)

In January 15, 2014 Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto,  issued the following statement regarding his January 15, 2014 appointment by Pope Francis as a member of the Commission of Cardinals for oversight of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR). “I am honoured that Pope Francis has appointed me to serve as a member of the […]

“Towards a Better World”

Sunday 19th January the Church marks the 100th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. In his     message to mark this occasion, Pope Francis urged countries to welcome and respect    migrants and refugees and not to treat  them as “pawns on the chessboard of humanity”. In a world in which there are some 200 million […]

Father João Wilkes, member of Shalom Catholic Community, is the new head of the Youth Sector of the Pontifical Council for the Laity

Rev. João Wilkes Chagas, a missionary member of the Shalom Catholic Community, is the new head of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Youth Sector (PCL). The information was released today at the Council’s official website. The function, hitherto exercised by Father Eric Jacquinet, from the Emmanuel Community, is coordinated by the Pontifical Council and assists […]

Greed destroys …says Pope Francis

(Vatican Radio) Greed, attachment to money, destroys people, destroys families and relationships with others: That was Pope Francis’ message this morning during Mass in Santa Marta. The invitation is not to choose poverty per se, but to use the wealth that God gives us to help those in need. Commenting on the day’s Gospel, in […]

Pope Francis: Mary’s faith unties the knot of sin

(Vatican Radio) Thousands of pilgrims were in Saint Peter’s Square Saturday evening to join Pope Francis in venerating the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The statue made its journey to Rome as the celebrations for the Feast of Our Lady Fatima, which is October 13. Pope Francis will preside over Mass on Sunday […]

Pope Francis: Beware of idolatry and hypocrisy

(Vatican Radio) Idolatry and hypocrisy do not spare even the Christian life. Pope Francis put us on guard against both these vices in his homily at this morning’s Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. In order not to give in to the dangers of these sins, he said, it is necessary to put into practice […]
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