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Halleluya Festival: the celebration of mercy in the land of Mercy

Halleluya Festival is known as the biggest integrated arts festival in Brazil, leading young people to have an experience with God through arts, sports, courses and Eucharistic celebrations. But one of the main places in the event is the area dedicated to the Sacrament of Reconciliation held in the so-called “Mercy Area”. In Fortaleza city, Brazil, […]

Understanding the feast of divine mercy

The sunday of divine mercy is how is called the second sunday of easter. This name has been given by John Paul II as a response to the message of Merciful Jesus to Saint Faustina, as she said in her spiritual diary: “Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: “Jesus, […]

Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross

A house with open doors where many will come and from where many will leave, having experienced God’s mercy which can transform lives. This is the Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross that is being built at Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters in Aquiraz, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza city, Brazil. Sand and metal so far. […]

Shalom has four new Priests

Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community have been ordained priests on December 22 by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. They are Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of the Shalom Community. Their first Mass has been celebrated on the […]

First Definitive Promises of a Shalom’ missionary in St John Paul II’s homeland.

This is the first time a missionary of Shalom Community makes Definitive Promises in Poland, the country of St John Paul II whose blessing played a fundamental role in the establishment of the Community in 1980. Jose Carlos Pasternak, missionary of Shalom Catholic Community and a WYD 2016’ volunteer, has made his Definitive Promises in […]

Shalom will have four new Priests

Four deacons of Shalom Catholic Community will be ordained priest on the 22nd of December by the Archbishop of Fortaleza, Jose Antonio Tosi Marques, at Metropolitan Cathedral of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil. They are: Cristiano Pinheiro, Edie Bethlem, Gustavo Jose and Hintz Dagoberto, all missionary members of Shalom Community. Their first Mass is to be celebrated […]

Do you know what is CJS?

Do you know what is CJS?  CJS stands for “Congresso de Jovens Shalom” (in Portuguese) or “Congrès de Juenes Shalom” (in French) which translated into English is Shalom Youth Congress, also SYC. It is an event promoted by Shalom Catholic Community open to all young people who are willing to deepen their experience with the love of […]
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