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Christian Carnival attracted 130,000 in Brazil

Brazilian Carnival is largely known is a huge festival with organized parades, samba and dancers. Every year lots of people join the festival held in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Pernambuco and Bahia, where take place the biggest parties. However, it has been increasing the amount of those who decide to participate of a christian […]

Forms of life

Forms of life are a gift from God to each person to unable them to love and to serve Him. The Shalom Community is composed by faithful people from all the forms of life: celibate for the kingdom of heaven, married and single people; priests, deacons and seminarists. United by a consecration of life, they […]


Diaconia is the headquarter of the Shalom Catholic Community’s General Government where the advisories, secretariats and sectors are linked directly to the general moderator work. It is called Shalom’s heart, because it assists the missions in many services linked to the missionary and communitarian action, the work with the youth, and to the human and […]

Shalom Retreat for Priests 2018

Every year, the Shalom Catholic Community organizes a spiritual retreat for priests from various dioceses, congregations and places in Brazil and around the world. They have the opportunity to deepen his relationship with God.

At the foot of the icon of Our Lady, a prayerful journey has started

A remarkable moment of grace took place in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, last Saturday evening. At the foot of the icon of Our Lady, Salus Populi Romani, entrusted by St. John Paul II to the young people, a prayerful journey has started towards the XV Ordinary Synod of Bishops on Young People(2018) […]

Jesus was not laid in a manger by accident

When the child Jesus was born, his mother Mary laid him in a manger (Lk 2:7). The word “manger” comes from the Latin word munducare which means “to eat.” A manger or crib is a wooden or stone feeding trough or food box that holds hay for larger farm animals like cattle, horses, and donkeys. Mangers were located wherever livestock were kept, places like stables, corrals, or caves. Farmers were sure to keep their mangers well-supplied with fodder at all times so the animals would never go hungry. The cattle can walk up to a manger at any time, and then spend long, leisure hours chomping away, chewing and slowly re-chewing their cud.

Young man with down syndrome questions President of Germany

The German presidential elections are approaching and the candidates are in campaign climate. In this climate, current President Angela Merkel, seeking her re-election, gave an interview on a TV show and was asked a question that left her without reaction. The question was: “Mrs. Merkel, you’re a politician, you make the laws. Nine out of […]
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