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Shalom Community in the opening concert of the week of missions in Warsaw

‘FAITH. HOPE. CHARITY ‘was the theme of the great and joyful concert that Warsaw has prepared to welcome the participants of the week of missions in the parishes. This great artistic concert took place on the evening of Thursday 21, at 7.30pm, local time, on Piłsudskiego Square. A crowd of tens of thousands of young […]

Halleluya Festival: the celebration of mercy in the land of Mercy

Halleluya Festival is known as the biggest integrated arts festival in Brazil, leading young people to have an experience with God through arts, sports, courses and Eucharistic celebrations. But one of the main places in the event is the area dedicated to the Sacrament of Reconciliation held in the so-called “Mercy Area”. In Fortaleza city, Brazil, […]

Shalom Youth Camp: “I felt renewed”

The Shalom Youth Camp or Acamp’s (as our young people like to call it) is a leisure and entertainment option during the holidays of the students. The event brings together young people from 13 to 28 years old for six days of adventure, extreme sports, concerts, lectures and eucharistic celebrations offering an experience of joy and lasting fun. It […]

Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross

A house with open doors where many will come and from where many will leave, having experienced God’s mercy which can transform lives. This is the Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross that is being built at Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters in Aquiraz, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza city, Brazil. Sand and metal so far. […]

Pope marks World Youth Day in Angelus address

At the conclusion of the Solemn Mass for Palm Sunday, Pope Francis led the faithful in the recitation of the Angelus. In brief remarks ahead of the Marian prayer, the Holy Father greeted all those taking part in the ceremony, including those watching and listening by means of television, radio, or other means of communication. […]
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