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Shalom Catholic community participates in the international meeting regarding World Youth Day 2019 and the next Synod of the Bishops in 2018

Between 5 and 9th April, the meeting “From Krakow to Panama – The Synod on the Way with the Young People” is been held in Rome, organized by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The meeting aims to collect the pastoral fruits of the last WYD, held in Krakow, Poland, on July 2016. […]

What is the Purpose of Lent?

Every year it is the same thing: Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a new season in the Catholic Church. The Calendar of Catholic events doesn’t change. We are different persons, though. The Lenten season changes everything and strengthens the appeal of the Church in our present moment. It’s because we are different individuals that […]

Pope Francis: When we want to give up, God helps us persevere

On Wednesday Pope Francis said each person must strive to imitate the perseverance and consolation of God, which not only gives us the strength to keep going, but also to help others who are in difficulty. “Perseverance we can also define as patience; it’s the ability to support, to remain faithful, even when the weight […]

Archbishop Rino Fisichella visited a drug abuse rehabilitation center managed by Shalom Community

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of New Evangelization visited “Volta Israel” Project accompanied by the founder of Shalom Catholic Community, Moyses Azevedo, and Father Silvio Scopel, the missionary in charge of the mission of Fortaleza, Brazil. Volta Israel Project works with drug abuse rehabilitation process through evangelism, prevention and treatment of […]

Iceland knows the secret to stopping teen substance abuse

In the past 20 years, teen alcohol and drug abuse plummeted among Icelandic youth… but why? In the past 20 years, Iceland’s rates of teen drinking, smoking, and drug use rates have drastically plummeted. Mosaic Science reports that in 1998, the percentage of 14- to 16-year-olds who reported being drunk in the previous month was 42 percent […]

President of New Evangelization Council visits Shalom Community in Brazil

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, will visit Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters (Diaconia) in Aquiraz, Brazil, on January 28-31, 2017. His visit is part of Shalom’s 35th anniversary celebrations this year. The Archbishop will participate on the 28th January in a night vigil event for the youth organized by Shalom Community. The […]
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