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“There’s no human condition that can’t be healed, with love!”

“The Song of the Irias” is a play written by Wilde Fabio, a member of the Shalom Catholic Community.  It has been performed all over Brazil to wide acclaim. It was originally written in Portuguese and has been translated into Spanish, Italian, Hungarian and most recently English. The central theme revolves around the same “Salvation […]

Pope: Resentment is not Christian

Brotherhood is destroyed by small things Reflecting on the first reading of the day which speaks of Cain and Abel, Pope Francis said that in this reading from Genesis, for the first time in Bible we hear the word ‘brother’ and we listen to a “story of brotherhood that should grow and be beautiful, but […]

How do we keep Christ in Christmas?

December reminds us of Christmas. However, what exactly does Christmas mean? How do we keep Christ in Christmas? Shalom missionaries and some friends who participate in the prayer group every Saturday had a Christmas celebration in a different way from what people generally do. On December 17th, 2016, during the prayer group they got together […]

Life-changing experience in London

Shalom Catholic Community in London (UK) is hosting an event known as Life in the Spirit Seminar or LSS, to make it short. It’s not just an event: its an experience!  Thousands of people all over the world have experienced a turning point in their lives after taking part on a LSS retreat. We wouldn’t be writing this […]
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