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Pope Francis: to love your enemies, prayer is a game-changer

The path to holiness and sainthood, Pope Francis said, requires imitating Christ by loving our enemies and praying for those who wrong us even when it is difficult. “It’s true, God the Father is merciful,” he said. “And you? Are you merciful, are you merciful with the people who have hurt you? Or who do […]

Pope: Resentment is not Christian

Brotherhood is destroyed by small things Reflecting on the first reading of the day which speaks of Cain and Abel, Pope Francis said that in this reading from Genesis, for the first time in Bible we hear the word ‘brother’ and we listen to a “story of brotherhood that should grow and be beautiful, but […]

Shalom Community in the Week of Missions in Poland

The Week of missions up to one week before WYD is known also as “Days in the diocese”. It is catechetical sessions held in the host and in nearby dioceses. It began in the edition of Paris in 1997 as a proposal to involve all french people in World Youth Day.  In the opportunity the […]


O Reviver já começou! Você já pensou em passar um carnaval diferente? Diferente como? Cheio da Graça do Amor de Deus! Se a resposta é sim, não deixe de participar deste evento organizado em todo o Brasil por nossa Comunidade, entre os dias 7 e 9 de Fevereiro. No Reviver teremos Pregações, Apresentações Artísticas, Cursos […]

Holy Week Retreat 2015

For the third consecutive year Shalom Catholic Community organises a retreat during Holy Week to help people to pray and deepen their understanding on the mysteries of Our Lord Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. As Christians, we know how important this season is to our faith and lives. It is in fact THE most important […]

Pope: “Where there is no mercy there is no justice”

Pope Francis on Monday warned against righteous hypocrisy and urged Christians to be merciful.   During his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on the Gospel readings of the day and on another Gospel passage pointing out that “where there is no mercy there is no justice”. Referring to […]
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