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Happy Birthday, Pope Francis!

There was a festive atmosphere at the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, as Pope Francis celebrated his 78th birthday. As he made his way through the crowds, Pope Francis stopped by a group of seminarians from the Legion of Christ, who offered him a birthday cake, complete with lighted candles. The Holy Father also took […]

Daughter writes an open letter to her porn-addicted dad

Dear Dad, I want to let you know first of all that I love you and forgive you for what this has done in my life. I also wanted to let you know exactly what your porn use has done to my life. You may think that this effects only you, or even your and mom’s […]

“I will teach my child only one thing: love”

In 1995, during the war in the former Yugoslavia, Sister Lucy Vertrusc and two other religious sisters were raped by Serbian soldiers. As a consequence, she found out later that she was pregnant. An Italian newspaper published years later a heartfelt letter that Sr Vertrusc wrote to her mother superior with an amazing witness of a spousal-love […]

Pope: we can’t be book-keepers of God’s love

Pope Francis on Thursday said that God is like a mother, He loves us unconditionally, but too often we want to take control of this grace in a kind of a spiritual book-keeping. The Pope was speaking during his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from the prophet Isaiah, […]

Pope at Audience: Fruits of pilgrimage to Turkey

Pope Francis had words of praise and thanks for Turkey and the Salesian fathers of Istanbul, for all the good and “hidden” work they do for countless refugees from the Iraqi and Syrian wars. Retracing the steps of his recent pilgrimage to Turkey during his general audience Wednesday, the Pope also highlighted the constant need […]

Community Shalom at the III Congress of Ecclesial Communities and New Movements

This November 20th, at Rome, began the III Congress of Ecclesial Communities and New Movements, organized by the Pontifical Council for Laity, with the theme ‘’ The Joy of the Gospel:  a missionary joy.’’ Cardinals, bishops, founders and representatives of more than 100 movements and communities, coming from 40 different countries of the 5 continents, […]
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