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Pope’s Ash Wednesday Homily

“Why do we have to return to God? Because there are things that are not well in us, in society, in the Church and we are in need of changing, of turning, of being converted!” Here is a translation of the Pope’s homily from the celebration of the Eucharist today in the Basilica of Saint […]

Westminster’s cardinal-elect is on his way to Rome

Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, was named cardinal by Pope Francis. “The Catholic Church in our countries has always had a profound and loving loyalty to the Holy Father, the Successor of St Peter. This appointment enables me, on behalf of all, to serve the Pope in a direct and prolonged way”, said the designated-cardinal. […]

Friendship with God

“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer 19:13)  St Theresa teaches us that “prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God”. It’s a friendship with Him. Our motivation towards prayer must always be our love towards God. It is because we love Him that we […]

Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, appointed to the Congregation for Bishops

Pope Francis has appointed the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, to the Congregation for Bishops, among other new members. Archbishop Nichols was installed as the 11th Archbishop of Westminster, London, after Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor’s retirement. He is also President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales since 2009. Archbishop Vincent said after his […]

Father João Wilkes, member of Shalom Catholic Community, is the new head of the Youth Sector of the Pontifical Council for the Laity

Rev. João Wilkes Chagas, a missionary member of the Shalom Catholic Community, is the new head of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Youth Sector (PCL). The information was released today at the Council’s official website. The function, hitherto exercised by Father Eric Jacquinet, from the Emmanuel Community, is coordinated by the Pontifical Council and assists […]

Rev. João Chagas takes over as head of Youth Section

24 October 2013 Rev. João Chagas is officially the new head of the Youth Section of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. His predecessor, Rev. Eric Jacquinet, worked at the PCL for the five-year period 2008-2013. His mandate concluded with World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, and now his successor is a priest from […]

Pope Francis: Beware of idolatry and hypocrisy

(Vatican Radio) Idolatry and hypocrisy do not spare even the Christian life. Pope Francis put us on guard against both these vices in his homily at this morning’s Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. In order not to give in to the dangers of these sins, he said, it is necessary to put into practice […]
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