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Shalom Community helps on the Seminarians formation in Portugal

The Shalom Catholic Community has been invited by the rector of Saint Paul Seminary, Mr. Rui Teixeira, to be part of the professors’ board for the school year 2018/2019, at the Diocese of Setubal in Portugal, with the Community Local Authority, Messias Albano, who teaches the course of Human Formation. Messias has entered the Shalom Community at 20 […]
Registration to the next WYD are in full gear

Registration to the next WYD are in full gear

Less than a year to go to the WYD in Panama (January 22-27 2019). Preparations in the Central American country are in full gear especially after Pope Francis officially opened registrations last February. Over 40 thousand signed up in less than a week, divided into 1000 groups. The preparations to welcome over half million youths are in full gear. We discussed the organization of the event with Fr João Chagas, Director of the Youth Office of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life.

Shalom showed me that I am a child of God

My name is Javier Francisco Kovacs Benitez. I’m 32 years old, and I’m a pride Paraguayan! I was raised as a Catholic since I was a kid and although my family broke up when I was a child, I became quite involved with the church while attending school, but this dramatically changed when I was […]
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