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The Three secrets of the Mother of Hope

The liturgical time of Advent is the preparation for the coming of the Lord. In particular, from the 17th to the 24th of December, the figure of Mary is emphasized, so that the Church can “consider the ineffable love with which the Virgin Mother waited for her Son”, take it as a model and thus prepare us to go to meet the Savior who comes (Marialis Cultus, 4).


The word “vocation” comes from the Latin “vocare”, which means “to call”. Vocation is therefore a calling, an appeal. God is the One who, creating man, calls him to life and to a personal relationship with Himself, to love and to holiness. Every man is called to answer to this universal vocation, rooted in the […]

4 Missionaries of the Covenant Community in love with missionary life

Keully Guedes, Mayara Raulino, Viviane Vieira and Marcela Leitão live the same experience: the missionary spirit in Shalom vocation. They are all members of the Covenant Community and, in response to God’s call, they went to lands distant from theirs. Please join us now in knowing the testimony of these women who are in love with the Mission.
Faith is a Panamanian value

WYD Panama 2019 – Panamanian Beauty and Faith

The next WYD in Panama next January is coming soon and wish to give you an opportunity to know more about this great event through an young shalom life missionary who is already there working as a volunteer: Barbara Freitas. She is going to send us a monthly logbook to tell us what God is preparing for us in this amazing country.
Discipleship of Shalom Catholic Community

“Living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way”

Jhoanna Climacosa is a italian girl who has found the authentic love of God through the Shalom Charism. Moreover, she has decided to become a disciple and minister of this love in order to share her joy as a missionary of peace in the world. Last month she has started a new period of her vocational path, the Discipleship.

Shalom Work

  “The Shalom Work is a work that is born in the merciful heart of Christ as a joyful instrument of God’s love and mercy.” – Moysés Azevedo   The Shalom Work includes the members of Covenant and Life Community, prayer group participants and all those who incarnate the Word of God in their lives, […]
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