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“Children are never a mistake “

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience on Wednesday, during which he continued his catechetical series on the family, concluding his reflections on the role of children in family life. Below, please find the English summary of the Holy Father’s prepared remarks. *********************************** Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we continue our reflection on […]

Pope Francis’ Letter on the Fifth Centenary of Saint Teresa of Avila’s Birth

[St. Teresa] asks us to be perseverant, faithful even in the midst of aridity, personal difficulties or the pressing needs that call us. Here is the translation of Pope Francis’ letter to Fr. Saverio Cannistra, Superior General of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, on the occasion of the fifth centenary celebration of St. Teresa of […]

Pope at Santa Marta: Faith, not cold doctrine, brings joy

It is not “cold doctrine” that brings joy, but faith, and the hope of meeting Jesus.  He who cannot rejoice is an unhappy believer: that’s what Pope Francis said in his homily at Thursday morning’s Mass in Santa Marta in the Vatican: Abraham’s joy upon hearing that as God promised, he may become a father […]

Such a smart Teresa!

“Grant me whatever you wish, life or death!” said St Teresa. Such courage! But Teresa exceeds in bravery when she goes further and says “grant me either hell or paradise!” Can you imagine that? Would you have the courage to say such a thing to God? Well, Saint Teresa did. It seems madness, however, in […]

Pope: “Where there is no mercy there is no justice”

Pope Francis on Monday warned against righteous hypocrisy and urged Christians to be merciful.   During his homily at morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on the Gospel readings of the day and on another Gospel passage pointing out that “where there is no mercy there is no justice”. Referring to […]

Where to find us

Shalom Catholic Community was established in July 9th 1982 as a result of a life-changing encounter with Pope John Paul II that Moyses Azevedo, a young man in his 20’s, had a few years before. It also has as its cofounder Emmir Nogueira, a married woman who at that same time was involved in other Church activities.  […]

Kenneth Branagh’s Very Christian Cinderella

Father Robert Barron is the founder of the global ministry, Word on Fire, and the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary. He is the creator of the award winning documentary series, “Catholicism” and “Catholicism: The New Evangelization. * * * Kenneth Branagh’s “Cinderella” is the most surprising Hollywood movie of the year so far. I say this […]

The Mystery Of Femininity

The woman is more mysterious than her male companion. On the artistic level, this is strikingly expressed in one of the greatest of all paintings, the Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci. One can look at this masterpiece for hours; the more one looks at it, the more one feels the mystery that this female presence radiates. It […]
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