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O que é uma vida carismática?

What is a charismatic life?

More than belonging to a movement, being charismatic consists in exercising the charisms in their fullness, without the Spirit of division or boasting. They must be used to build up the Church of Christ, so that all peoples may know the Truth and turn entirely to the Lord.

Moysés: To celebrate a Eucharistic Congress is to renew the faith and revisit the founding experience of the Shalom Charism

In 1980 a young man offered his life before the Pope in the offertory of a Eucharistic celebration. His offer was made for the evangelization of the youth and all men and women far from God and from the Church, and now he shares to thousands of people about the experience that started the Shalom Charism at a similar event that is taking place in Budapest.

Gabriella Dias talks about CHARIS, the International Service of Communion for The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR)

Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) The Catholic Charismatic Renewal was founded in the late 1960s in the United States of America. It is a movement within the Catholic Church which spread rapidly around the world, and today has more than 120 million followers.[i] “At the core of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the ‘grace of Pentecost’ […]

Drawn to Shalom charism

I first heard about the Shalom Community in November, 2017 at Jesus Across the Border when some young adults were talking about different religious groups in the Boston area. I remember there was a man speaking and he mentioned the Saturday night Shalom prayer groups. I live an hour from Boston, but I knew I […]
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