
Presence of missionaries from different countries at the Authorities Retreat reinforces internationalization of the Shalom Community

There are 35 from the Life Community, 60 from the Covenant Community and 8 from the Shalom Work. For these brothers, there will be simultaneous translation.


Among the participants in the Shalom Catholic Community Authorities Retreat 2020, there are a considerable number of brothers and sisters from other countries. According to João Edson Queiroz, General  Assistant, they “will help the Community to respond to God’s call to evangelize till the ends of the earth”. There are 35 from the Life Community, 60 from the Covenant Community and 8 from the Shalom Work. For these brothers, there will be simultaneous translation.

Chile, United States, France, Hungary, Italy, Mozambique and Poland are some of the countries with representatives at the retreat that takes place online starting this Friday, 21. The difference in time zone will not be an obstacle for the participants to contribute to this moment so important for the Community that this year it will focus on three essential points: young people, the poor and the social media.

The 2020 Authorities Retreat takes place on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, 29th and 30th of August. With the theme “New Time”, based on the Listen Magazine 2019, the virtual meeting will feature talks always given by the founder Moysés Azevedo and moments of prayer in the mornings. In all, more than 1000 missionaries from the Shalom Community participate in the event.

International presence

The Shalom Catholic Community is present in about 30 countries with the mission of announcing the Risen One who passed through the Cross to all peoples. In this time in which the Community has evangelized beyond Brazil, God has raised new vocations also in men, women, youth and adults of other nationalities. This is a great sign that the Shalom Vocation is for the whole world.


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