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2 years of Miracles!

Miracle! This is the best word to explain about these two lasts years of the presence of the Shalom Catholic Community in the Philippines. Miracle because this is the will of God to this country and to this people. Miracle because through this Charisma of peace God showed, and continues showing us, what is His […]
Padre João Chagas Wilkes

“Young people always surprise, they are hope for the Church and for the world”

Father João Chagas, priest and missionary of Life Community, has been on mission in Rome for more than 20 years at the service of the Shalom Catholic Community and the universal church. They were years of "richness", full of experiences marked by the protagonism of young people from all over the world, years which now culminate in his return to Fortaleza, Brazil.

Homily – April 8th, 2023 – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

Homily – April 8th, 2023 – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Rm 6:3-11; Mt 28:1-10   That violent darkness that has come upon us and surrounded the Crucifixion of the Lord gave way to the joyful, peaceful and intense light of the Resurrection. It’s impressive to move from the darkness of the night into a ‘flame-glittering church’, at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. We really […]

St. Joseph Novena – Patris Corde

We propose nine days of prayerful meditation with Joseph, reflecting on some points of the apostolic letter of Pope Francis on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as the patron saint of the universal Church.

The itinerary of Peter and our itinerary

The life of the saints has the power to take us away from a spirituality that is too disincarnated and gives us the humility to understand that a saint is not the one who never sinned, but who ultimately let God win.
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