Moyses Azevedo: God performs a new outpouring of His Spirit

Every year, the general counsel of the Shalom Catholic Community have a retreat to pray and to listen from God his wisdom for our lives as disciples and ministers of peace in the world. After it, the founder shares God’s inspirations for the Community. This year the main revelation was that God desires to perform a “Pentecost of Love" in us. We believe that what God wishes to do is for all the Church and mankind, so we are sharing here some parts of God’s message to us, his beloved children.

The secret to the Divine Providence is to always give, says Emmir

The economy of the Kingdom is based on the logic of give oneself to others, explained the co-founder of the Shalom Catholic Community, Emmir Nogueira, during the course “The secret of the Divine Providence”. According to Emmir, Jesus reveals the Father’s / God’s mentality, the way in which He governs His house. “Jesus brings in […]

A proposal for Lent 2018

“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12:2). In a society in which everyone feels called to transform the world or the Church, this word of God breaks […]