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Shalom Community helps on the Seminarians formation in Portugal

The Shalom Catholic Community has been invited by the rector of Saint Paul Seminary, Mr. Rui Teixeira, to be part of the professors’ board for the school year 2018/2019, at the Diocese of Setubal in Portugal, with the Community Local Authority, Messias Albano, who teaches the course of Human Formation. Messias has entered the Shalom Community at 20 […]


The word “vocation” comes from the Latin “vocare”, which means “to call”. Vocation is therefore a calling, an appeal. God is the One who, creating man, calls him to life and to a personal relationship with Himself, to love and to holiness. Every man is called to answer to this universal vocation, rooted in the […]

How do I become a missionary of the Shalom Catholic Community?

The vocation to the Shalom Community is a call from God that is addressed to every baptized member of God's people, who having had an experience with the Risen One who has passed through the cross and who baptizes in the Holy Spirit (Jn 20,19- 22), and confessing the Catholic faith, receives the call to follow it according to the spirit of this vocation.
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