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Vocational discernment meeting 2018

Last Sunday, February, 25th, was a very exciting day for some of the young adults in Boston, EUA, who are trying to find their vocation in the Catholic Church. The shalom vocational discernment path has a different theme each year. For the 2018 year, the theme is “Drawn by You, I want to follow You”. […]

Covenant Community

The Covenant Community is called to follow Jesus Christ in the familiar experiences and professional activities, taking on the commitment to live said experiences in accordance with the Shalom vocation. Its members should be “the light of the world and salt of the earth” in secular environments. They come together twice a week for a […]

The Shalom Evangelization Center

The Shalom Evangelization Center is the physical structure where the community develops a large part of its apostolic activities such as prayer groups, Eucharistic celebration, Life in the Spirit Seminars and courses. It is a hub that radiates the charisma and its activities aim to lead people to a progressive experience with Jesus Christ with […]
Emmir Nogueira, cofundadora da Comunidade Shalom


  Maria Emmir Oquendo Nogueira is the co-founder and is responsible for all of the formation in the Shalom Catholic Community. Emmir is married and has four children. She was born in Fortaleza, Brazil. She lived in Rio de Janeiro from when she was five years old until her twenties. She received her education from […]

Shalom Catholic Community is the response of God for my life

“We are a family. This is why the Community has as member people of various states of life: celibates for the Kingdom, single men and women, couples, priests, seminarians, deacons, men and women, young and old, married and single people. (...) In the explosion of love of the Trinity that creates all, redeems all and sanctifies all, they find the impetus for their mission” (Statutes of the Shalom Catholic Community - Preamble)

A missionary family story

The testimony of a great family who left the capital of Brazil for a great adventure on the city-island of Vitoria, Southeast of Brazil.

Shalom showed me that I am a child of God

My name is Javier Francisco Kovacs Benitez. I’m 32 years old, and I’m a pride Paraguayan! I was raised as a Catholic since I was a kid and although my family broke up when I was a child, I became quite involved with the church while attending school, but this dramatically changed when I was […]

The second anniversary of Shalom Catholic Community in Boston

      On June 3rd, Shalom Catholic Community is going to celebrate a Massat St. Anthony’s Church in honor of its 2nd anniversary of foundation in Boston,  the acceptance of Danielle LaPointe and Matthew Pandolfo as postulants in Shalom Covenant Community and the renewal of the Higor and Mariana Fontoura’s Temporary Promises also as Shalom […]
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