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Eight phrases of Pope Benedict XVI about music

“The art of music, [ is ] uniquely called to instil hope in the human spirit, so scarred and sometimes wounded by the earthly condition.”  Speech 04.24.08   “It is hard to find words to convey the joy of the soul’s loving encounter with God, yet fine music is able to express something of the […]
Expedição Missionária Madagascar 2019

Shalom volunteers provide humanitarian assistance and help bring eternal life to the people in Madagascar

“Soon after we arrived on Saturday in the early afternoon, we were approached by a distressed father looking for Shalom volunteer doctors because his newborn baby was in the hospital suffering from several life-threatening conditions,” said Jeovana Freitas, the Community’s Councilor for Human Promotion.

Fully Alive is freedom!

This past October 12-13 the Shalom mission in Boston held the 4th annual Fully Alive, Life in the Spirit Seminar. With more than 90 participants throughout the weekend, this has been the largest retreat in Boston yet, and even greater were the graces.
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