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Understanding the feast of divine mercy

The sunday of divine mercy is how is called the second sunday of easter. This name has been given by John Paul II as a response to the message of Merciful Jesus to Saint Faustina, as she said in her spiritual diary: “Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: “Jesus, […]


The Shalom Catholic Community was founded on 9th July 1982, after that its founder, Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho, had offered his life and youth to take Christ and the Catholic Church to those who were distant, specially, the youth. On 30th June 1980, Pope John Paul II arrived in Brazil for his first visit […]

Such a smart Teresa!

“Grant me whatever you wish, life or death!” said St Teresa. Such courage! But Teresa exceeds in bravery when she goes further and says “grant me either hell or paradise!” Can you imagine that? Would you have the courage to say such a thing to God? Well, Saint Teresa did. It seems madness, however, in […]

Where to find us

Shalom Catholic Community was established in July 9th 1982 as a result of a life-changing encounter with Pope John Paul II that Moyses Azevedo, a young man in his 20’s, had a few years before. It also has as its cofounder Emmir Nogueira, a married woman who at that same time was involved in other Church activities.  […]

The courage to disappear

I know a woman who voluntarily disappeared. No! It’s not one of those thousands of names on a “missing person” police list. On the contrary! She disappeared so much that wasn’t reported in any list, not even in her own family genealogy. She knew that in order to disappear in such a way that she […]

More than 50 priests participate of a retreat promoted by Shalom

More than 50 priests participate of the Annual Retreat for Priests, promoted by Catholic Community Shalom at Fortaleza. The 3rd edition of the retreat, that started this Monday (01), has overcome the other years in number of inscriptions, and has participants from many dioceses of Brazil, from Latin America and from the Holy Land. The […]

Community Shalom at the III Congress of Ecclesial Communities and New Movements

This November 20th, at Rome, began the III Congress of Ecclesial Communities and New Movements, organized by the Pontifical Council for Laity, with the theme ‘’ The Joy of the Gospel:  a missionary joy.’’ Cardinals, bishops, founders and representatives of more than 100 movements and communities, coming from 40 different countries of the 5 continents, […]
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