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Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is also known as the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, which translates from Latin to “Body of Christ.” This feast originated in France in the midthirteenth century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. This feast is celebrated on […]

In the Risen Christ, the man dressed in life

—————– (excerpts from the preaching of Moses Easter Azevedo in 2007 – Tried to maintain the conversational tone) Christ is risen, Hallelujah. He is truly risen! Hallelujah! Saint Paul himself said: “If Christ has not been raised, then our faith is in vain”. But as Christ is risen from the dead, we are the happiest […]

Credible Christian witnessses wanted

Vatican Radio) The importance of credible Christian witness to overcome indifference and religious illiteracy: that was the theme at the heart of Pope Francis’ message on Monday to members of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization. Noting that so many people are indifferent or have grown away from the Church, the Pope said what we […]
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