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From Babel to Pentecost: missionary life in foreign lands

Having ‘nothing’ and at the same time having ‘everything’. Finding the face of God in the face of people. Recognize His love in the lives of others. Be comforted in the heart of one’s brother. Living an ascetic life. But who needs material riches when we have the abundant Providence of the Lord? Each new […]

We Africans

In an interview with comshalom (SH), Leonice Santos, a Brazilian missionary in Maputo, Mozambique, tells us a bit about her experience in a land that seeks to rebuild after a devastating cyclone.


The word “vocation” comes from the Latin “vocare”, which means “to call”. Vocation is therefore a calling, an appeal. God is the One who, creating man, calls him to life and to a personal relationship with Himself, to love and to holiness. Every man is called to answer to this universal vocation, rooted in the […]

“It’s More Fun in the Philippines”

Shalom Catholic Community missionaaries have just arrived in Manila. They are getting to know the people and their culture. Everything is new for them. But as missionaries, they have found in Filipino people's heart place to stay.

Shalom Catholic Community is on the way to a new missionary house in the french capital, Paris.

On the solemn Corpus Christi Day, June 18th, Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro – Shalom Catholic Community International Assistant – and Amanda Pinheiro – the future Local Responsible of the first Shalom house in Paris – visited the work in progress of the new Shalom Catholic Community foundation in France, in its capital, the City of Light, […]

Shalom Catholic Community meets the new cardinal of Sweden Monsignor Anders

On Wednesday 14th of June in Rome, at Shalom Catholic Community International Headquarter, a great meeting took place, between the new cardinal Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm, Sweden, the founder of Shalom Catholic Community, Moysés Azevedo, the International Assistant of the Community, Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro and the shalom missionaries of this house. His Grace Anders […]
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