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Shalom Community met the responsibles for the cause for the Canonization of Cardinal Van Thuân

On May 15th, the postulator of the cause for the Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Cardinal Van Thuân, Waldery Hilgeman and Dr. Luisa Melo from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Vatican visited the house of Shalom International Office in Rome.  The holy Mass has been celebrated by Fr. Cristiano Pinheiro, the International […]

Shalom Catholic community participates in the international meeting regarding World Youth Day 2019 and the next Synod of the Bishops in 2018

Between 5 and 9th April, the meeting “From Krakow to Panama – The Synod on the Way with the Young People” is been held in Rome, organized by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The meeting aims to collect the pastoral fruits of the last WYD, held in Krakow, Poland, on July 2016. […]

The next Shalom Community foundation in Poland, in Warsaw

Representatives from Shalom International Assistance and the responsible of Shalom mission in Krakow, Michele Magalhães, are visiting Warsaw – capital of Poland- in order to attend some meetings preparing for the next Shalom Community foundation in the country. On March 2, Shalom members met with the city’s archbishop, Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, in order to define […]

Shalom Community is counting the days for the great celebration of its 35th anniversary in Rome with Pope Francis

2017 has barely begun and the members of Shalom Community are already counting the days for the great celebration of thanksgiving for its 35th anniversary in September in Rome at the Shalom Convention 35years. There will be 10 days of activities, conferences, shows, pilgrimage to Assisi, International Youth Congress and a moment of meeting with […]

Two new priests of Shalom Catholic Community

The archdiocese of Fortaleza has held, the 22nd of December, at 18:30, in the metropolitan cathedral, a solemn Eucharistical celebration in which have been ordained new priests, through the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration of His Eminence José Antônio Aparecido, Metropolitan Archbishop of Fortaleza. Two out of the six new priests are […]

The worst sinners who became saints

Ask any Catholic to name a sinner who became a great saint and most will answer, “St. Augustine.” As a teenager, Augustine abandoned the Catholic faith for the pagan Manicheans sect, and took a mistress; they lived together for 17 years and had a son. Without meaning to diminish in any way the seriousness of […]

Shalom Catholic Community comes to Krakow for the final preparations for WYD

Last July 5, a group of missionaries of the Shalom Catholic Community arrived in Krakow, Poland, in order to concentrate on the final preparations for the activities of Shalom Community at the next World Youth Day. Among these activities is the HalleluyaKrakow. Under the coordination of Shalom International Assistance, the working group is formed by young missionaries […]

It is time for new foundations in Shalom Community

On this year 2016, the Catholic Community Shalom announced the opening of two more missionary homes in the African continent: one in the city of Praia, capital of Cape Verde and one in Maputo, the capital and the largest city of Mozambique. At least ten missionaries of the Shalom Community will be assigned to the evangelization work in these […]

Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross

A house with open doors where many will come and from where many will leave, having experienced God’s mercy which can transform lives. This is the Church of The Risen One Who went through the Cross that is being built at Shalom Catholic Community’s headquarters in Aquiraz, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza city, Brazil. Sand and metal so far. […]
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