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Fr. Antonio Furtado, Shalom Life missionary visits the house of the Community in Nazareth

On February the missionaries of Shalom Life and Covenant Community who live in Nazareth, Israel received a special guest, fr. Antonio Furtado. He’s been missionary in Fortaleza, Brazil for more than 15 years as priest and he is a great communicator of God’s mercy by the AM Radio 690 where he daily prays the Chaplet of […]

The Shalom Evangelization Center

The Shalom Evangelization Center is the physical structure where the community develops a large part of its apostolic activities such as prayer groups, Eucharistic celebration, Life in the Spirit Seminars and courses. It is a hub that radiates the charisma and its activities aim to lead people to a progressive experience with Jesus Christ with […]

Shalom Retreat for Priests 2018

Every year, the Shalom Catholic Community organizes a spiritual retreat for priests from various dioceses, congregations and places in Brazil and around the world. They have the opportunity to deepen his relationship with God.

An Inspiring and Refreshing Community Retreat in Boston

Over the weekend of January 20-21, the missionaries of the Shalom Catholic Community in Boston gathered for a retreat to pray and go deeper into what the Church told us during the Shalom Convention in Rome last September. During this annual retreat, 5 members from the Covenant Community, 2 members from the Life community, and […]

Shalom Catholic Community is the response of God for my life

“We are a family. This is why the Community has as member people of various states of life: celibates for the Kingdom, single men and women, couples, priests, seminarians, deacons, men and women, young and old, married and single people. (...) In the explosion of love of the Trinity that creates all, redeems all and sanctifies all, they find the impetus for their mission” (Statutes of the Shalom Catholic Community - Preamble)

Shalom in London

Shalom London News Flame 2023: congress gathers 8,000 young people The Shalom Catholic Community in London participates in the Flame congress, the largest Catholic gathering of young people in England and Wales. ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+WhatsappEmail Saint Michael's Lent: have you heard of it? There is an old devotion that seemed to be quite popular especially in the 13th […]
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